Terms of Service
Through this Website and related Social Media accounts, including without limitation Facebook™, and Instagram™, LuxuryTastic (“Luxurytastic,” “We,” “Us,” “Our”) makes available a variety of fashion-forward clothing and accessories on wholesale and retail basis (the “Service(s)”) in exchange for payment by you.
When you order and shop with us (or access our services, apps and websites (our “Websites”)), these following terms apply. They’re important for both of us as they set out what we expect from each other, and they also give you helpful info. Of course, if you need anything else, get in touch with Customer Care – we always love to hear from you.
To shop with us, you need to:
- be at least 18 years old;
- be able to make payments using our payment methods.
- agree to our Returns/Refund/Exchange policy.
- agree to our Shipping policy.
When you place an order, you agree to our Returns/Refund policy and also our Shipping policy. You should receive an acknowledgement e-mail confirming receipt of your order. We then carry out a standard security check to make sure that you’re not a fraud.
We only process your order once payment has been received.
All orders are subject to availability and confirmation of the order price. Don’t worry, if there’s an issue with an order, we’ll get in touch with you.
Very occasionally, we may need to refuse or cancel an order or close or freeze an account (even if we have previously confirmed your order) – e.g. if we think there’s something dodgy going on with an order or an account.
If this happens to you and you think we’ve made a mistake, please don’t take offence – get in touch with Customer Care and they’ll be happy to speak to you about it.
There’s a lot going on here at LuxuryTastic and from time to time our busy staffs may price up or describe a product or promo wrongly. If we discover an error for any goods you’ve ordered, we will tell you ASAP and give you the option of reconfirming your order (at the correct price) or cancelling it.
If we can’t get in touch with you, we will treat the order as cancelled. If you cancel and you’ve already paid, we will refund you in full.
Prices include VAT (where applicable).
Depending on the value of your order or the delivery option or address you choose, delivery costs may also be charged (see below). Such additional charges will be clearly shown during the checkout process and included in the ‘Total Cost’.
We provide guaranteed delivery worldwide via DHL/Fedex or EMS, and provided for free.
To qualify for our guaranteed shipping policy, we will make our own decision on which shipping carrier to use for your shipping.
However, if you prefer your own shipping method, we will not be responsible if anything happens to the package and our guaranteed shipping policy is voided.
We work our socks off to try to meet all delivery times but sometimes there may be delays – e.g. because of postal/carrier delays, logistics or bad weather. We will keep you updated as much as we can and you should be able to track your parcel’s progress.
Check out our Shipping Policy page for more info, or get in touch with Customer Care if you have any issues or questions.
We will only accept refunds/exchange if the replica product (belt, wallet, bags, clothes, shoes) itself have flaws/damage/defects.
If your product comes with a box (wallet/belt), and the box is damaged/dented upon you receiving it, we will not be responsible and accept any request for exchange/refund as the damage/dent on the box is beyond our control. Please understand that the brand box are very fragile/soft, and no shipping courier (DHL/FEDEX/EMS) will insure a box or be responsible for damage/dent on boxes during international shipping.
Please read our returns and refunds policy here for the full details.
When you order from Luxurytastic Replicas, you agree to our returns and refunds policy.
From time to time, we may give you Promo Codes that you can use to reduce the price of specified products. Remember, it’s up to you to enter the code at checkout!
Here are some key things to remember:
Each Promo Code has its own terms, which will be made clear at the time it’s issued to you (e.g. what products, single/multiple use, when it can be used, whether it can be combined with store credits or other promo codes etc).
If you’re given a unique Promo Code that is meant just for you (e.g. a Regular Customer Promo Code) please keep it secret and don’t let anyone else use it or abuse it (e.g. don’t post it on social media). If we think there is or has been misuse of a Promo Code in any way (e.g. selling it or sharing it with others), we can cancel your Promo Code and/or suspend or even close your account without telling you.
We don’t like to do this, but if a Promo Code can’t run properly because someone or something is spoiling the fun for everyone – e.g. fraud, tampering, technical errors or anything else that is beyond our control that affects the running or fairness of the Promo Code – we can cancel, modify or suspend the Promo Code.
Our Privacy Policy sets out how we’ll use your information. If your details change, remember that you need to update My Account so we can continue giving you our best service (you can also update your marketing preferences there).
We know it’s obvious, but you must not misuse or tamper with our websites, apps or other services (“Websites”) (e.g. hack, introduce viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other technologically harmful material or carry out denial of service attacks etc) or otherwise mess with our tech or functionality or steal our or our customers’ data.
Doing any of these things may be a criminal offence, but they also get in the way of us giving our loyal LuxuryTastic customers the best service, so we take them really seriously. LuxuryTastic will report any such breach or activity (and all information about the people carrying it out) to the relevant law enforcement authorities.
We recommend you use virus protection software when using any website, including ours. Although we have a dedicated team who work hard to stop people messing with our Website, we can’t guarantee that it will always be secure from bugs, viruses or trouble-makers.
Oh, and you’re not allowed to use automated systems or software to extract data from our Website (AKA ‘screen scraping’).
Troublemakers take note: you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless LuxuryTastic, its directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents, and affiliates, from any and all third-party claims, liability, damages and/or costs (including, but not limited to, legal fees) arising from your use (or misuse) of this Website or your breach of the Terms and Conditions.
LuxuryTastic owns or has permission to use the intellectual property rights in its Website and its content. These rights are protected around the world. All such rights are reserved.
You’re allowed to store, print and display our Website content only for your own personal use. You are not allowed to use any part of the Website for commercial purposes unless you have our express permission.
You’re also not allowed to use the LuxuryTastic logo or any LuxuryTastic brand or trade mark (or any marks which are colourably similar) without our express permission.
It’s fine for you to link to LuxuryTastic website, as long as you do so in a way that is not-commercial, is fair and legal, and doesn’t damage or take advantage of our reputation.
Please don’t link in a way that suggests any form of approval or endorsement by LuxuryTastic where none exists.
Our Website must not be framed on any other site without our permission.
Occasionally things do go wrong and you may want to get in touch with us. If that happens, please contact our Customer Care team, who will work with you to resolve any issues you’re having with our services:
- Email: sales@ luxurytasticrep.co
- Contact Form: Click Here
- WhatsApp / iMessage Support: +62-881-4078-227