When you order from Luxurytastic Replicas, you agree to our exchange, returns and refunds policy.
We are very fair and reasonable with our clients, and we hope that our clients will also be fair and reasonable.
We will only accept refunds/exchange if the replica product (belt, wallet, bags, clothes, shoes) itself is damaged, defective, or not as ordered. If this happen, you may choose to have an exchange (we’ll send a new item to you) or refund the payment that we’ve received from you (minus the transfer fees incurred from the refund process) through our own chosen refund method.
For refunds, it will take 24-72 working hours to be processed once we have received the product back and you have given your refund details.
If your product comes with a box, and the box is damaged/dented upon you receiving it, we will not be responsible and won’t accept any request for exchange/refund as the damage/dent on the box is beyond our control. Please understand that the brand box are very fragile/soft, and no shipping courier (DHL/FEDEX/EMS) will insure a box or be responsible for damage/dent on boxes during international shipping.
We will not accept returns/refunds/exchange, if you simply change your mind about your order.
We encourage you to consult our customer service to make sure you make the right choice before ordering a specific style or color.
If you’re looking to return a damaged, faulty or incorrect item, please get in touch so we can get this sorted for you.
Do you need to return something?
- You have 7 days to return an item from when it’s delivered (we strongly recommend that you get proof of postage).
- Of course, it’s fine to try it on, but please don’t use the item because if it’s returned to us worn or in an unsuitable condition, we won’t be able to give you a refund and we may have to send it back to you.
- Please do not remove any protective seal/sticker/plastic from the item. Items can’t be returned for a refund if their protective seal/stickers has been removed.
- Return shipping cost will be our responsibility if the product is defective. As we are not located in the US, we are not able to provide prepaid shipping labels and you will have to pay the return shipping cost. The return shipping costs will be refunded in terms of store credit. There will be no cash refund for shipping costs and it will only be refunded in terms of store credit. Please get the shipping receipt and provide us with it so that we can reimburse the shipping cost to you in store credit.
- If you’ll like to exchange the product for any reason that is not our fault or due to product defects, you will be responsible for the shipping costs.
- The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so make sure they’re packed up properly and can’t get damaged on the way!
- We strongly recommend that you get proof of postage and a tracking number when you send the item for shipping, as we are not responsible for lost packages or stolen packages. In the case that your return package goes missing and does not reach us, it is not our responsibility and we can’t give you a refund/exchange as refunds/exchanges will only be processed after we receive the product back.
- All returned items should be sent in their original condition and packaging including tags e.g. shoes should be returned with the original shoe box.
- In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition or outside of the 7 day return policy, we reserve the right not to refund you. If you want these returned to you, we may request that you cover the delivery cost.
- The refund/exchange will only be made after we have received the product back.
- In the case that you need to refund something, please take note that we will not be liable to refund for any import taxes/duty fees that you have paid. Please refer to our shipping policy regarding import taxes/duty fees.
Rejected During Quality-Control Pictures Process:
- If you spot any issues/problems, and the issue you spotted during QC process is really true, we will manufacture a new product for you.
- There will be no refunds as we will keep on manufacturing a new product for you until it is perfectly replicated. You can choose to exchange a product of the same price if there are flaws in the QC pictures.
- Refunds will only be applicable after 3 different products have been manufactured and if there are still issues with it.
Reserved Rights Regarding Returns/Refunds
LuxuryTastic reserves the right to solely define and limit, refuse, and/or reject returns/refunds from customers at any time due to:
- An irregular or excessive returns history indicative of “wardrobing;”
- An irregular or excessive returns history involving worn, altered, laundered, damaged, or missing items; or,
- Potential fraudulent or criminal activity.
- If you simply change your mind about your order and there’s nothing wrong about the product you ordered.
Similarly, LuxuryTastic reserves the right to refuse service to any customer or entity, due to similar actions as noted above.
Wardrobing & Excessive Returns
Our Customer Protection Team also handles situations in which a customer return history may be indicative of fraudulent activity or wardrobing. In these situations, the Customer Protection Team will reach out to discuss the situation and work with you to either resolve the issue or determine if we need to refuse service going forward. While we never want to reject a customer, we must ensure the safety, welfare, and comfort of all customers across the globe.
Shoe Return Policy
We want you to be fully satisfied with every item you purchase from LuxuryTastic. If the shoes are damaged, defective, or not as ordered, we will accept returns up to 7 days after delivery if the following conditions are met:
- All items must be unworn,
- All Items must be in their original packaging.
Exchanges Due To Reasons That Are Not Our Fault
After you’ve received your order, if you want to exchange a product for reasons that are not due to our fault, there will be a restocking fee of 30% and you will have to pay for shipping fees (shipping back to us, and for us to ship the replacement to you).
This applies the same even before you receive the product. If you’ve paid for an order and you will like to exchange, you have to inform us within 24 hours of payment. If you request to exchange after 24hours, there will be a restocking fee of 30% too. This is because we do not keep any ready stocks, and all our products are manufactured after receiving payment for your order.
Exchanges will only be done once we have received your product. It is your responsibility until we receive your return package. We will not be liable if the return package is lost or damaged before it reaches us.